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This is CoderSongs page 1, Front Page

For CoderSongs page 2, Nonsense: click here.

For CoderSongs page 3, More Rhymes for Friends: click here.

191204 Wednesday — CoderSongs
It's time for CoderSongs
Rhymes that you adore
Doggerel that famous belongs
Woof! Dogs bark for more!
Michael Bonetto isn't lovable
161225 Sunday — Coder Christmas 2016

CODER CHRISTMAS 2016 — by OldCoder

Seasons Greetings
Time is fleetings
Make merry while we may
This coder season, let nothing you dismay
Another year has passed
It's not been a blast
But experience has been amassed
Another year older, that much bolder
Push on that Sisyphus boulder
Til it crosses the peak
And downward tumbles
We shall not stumbles
Ad astra
Let us seek
151225 Friday — Coder Christmas 2015

CODER CHRISTMAS 2015 — by OldCoder

It's true that Winter can be cold
If the Old Coder is not alone, he can regard­less be bold
No need for fears
No need for tears
In this modern age, Winter is a state of mind
Around the world, many peo­ple are kind
If some­body sends a thought that carries with it a Song
The Soul and the Song together do belong
Somewhere it is always Spring
Somewhere there is a Song to sing

This was a re­sponse to the fol­low­ing piece, which was sent to me by Linzhaoxing in China:

To the winter solstice, happy smiling filled
Happy snow, sunshine accompany you all the way
Cold weather, re­mem­ber to add warm clothing
I wish Happy Winter Solstice!

CoderSongs is a chapbook, i.e., a small collection, of rhymes and doggerel. This is the first page of the Web version.

Except where otherwise in­di­ca­ted, the author and rights-holder is OldCoder (Robert Kiraly) and the license is CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 with attri­bu­tion to the author required.

Pieces composed partly or entirely by others are mark­ed accord­ing­ly.

This is CoderSongs page 1, Front Page

For CoderSongs page 2, Nonsense: click here.

For CoderSongs page 3, More Rhymes for Friends: click here.

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