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New message from Sam Pawar

Sam Pawar is an ex-em­ploy­ee of Fremont-Toyota and a key fig­ure in the SLAPP cases. On June 08, 2022, a new and in­ter­est­ing message from Sam was re­ceived.

1. First, to read Sam's Fall 2021 state­ment related to Fremont-Toyota, click here.

2. If you like, you can read text messages from Sam which confirm that he made the state­ment and authorized its posting. To read the texts, click here. Note: The text messages have been filed with the Court.

You can also see Sam's EEOC filing at this link.

3. In mid-March 2022, Sam sent emails which alleged that he was being intimidated. The emails have been filed with the Court and will be add­ed here.

4. Now read the let­ter pasted be­low.

Technical note: “Richard” is attorney Richard Ehizogie Oriakhi SBN 193797. He's dis­cus­sed in Sam's text messages.

Date: June 08, 2022
To: Robert Kiraly
From: Kulwant S. Pawar aka “Sam” Pawar
Subject: From Sam

You done bad with me and send my email to Richard when I am mad on Richard but still I informed you that yesterday Richard call me in his office and try to make a fake state­ment from me type a let­ter saying that I have not given you a per­mis­sion to you to put my info on web but I read and tell Richard why you make this fake let­ter saying I have not given per­mis­sion to you not to put my story on web I told Richard I gave per­mis­sion to put my story on web and I think there is Fremont toyota try­ing a fraud state­ment from me on you and if I can help you any way please let me know and I still respect you as a brother

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