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On this page, you can get PDFs re­la­ted to the Berliner-Cohen and Fremont-Toyota bar­ra­try cases. A few are readable. Some are com­pli­ca­ted or a muddle.

These are the two PDFs that it's easiest to start with:

PDF 01:
Case: All cases
Title: 25-page overview, read this one first

PDF 02:
Link: gagorder-trial-brief.pdf
Case: The two WVRO cases
Title: WVRO trial brief (2 combined cases)

Next, these are some of the orig­in­al allegations and responses, including the anti-SLAPP motions:

PDF 03:
Link: 21CV004608-wv120.pdf
Case: 21-CV004608 (1st WVRO case)
Title: 1st WVRO filed against RJK.

PDF 04:
Link: 21CV004608-wv120-response.pdf
Case: 21-CV004608 (1st WVRO case)
Title: RJK's response to 1st WVRO.

PDF 05:
Link: 21CV004608-memo.pdf
Case: 21-CV004608 (1st WVRO case)
Title: Re­spon­dent RJK's memorandum of points and authorities in sup­port of motion to strike com­plaint pursuant to code of civil pro­ce­dure S 425.16 (1st WVRO case).

PDF 06:
Link: 22CV005860-berliner-cohen.pdf
Case: 22-CV005860 (2nd WVRO case)
Title: 2nd WVRO filed against RJK.

PDF 07:
Link: 22CV005860-wv120-response.pdf
Case: 22-CV005860 (2nd WVRO case)
Title: RJK's response to 2nd WVRO.

PDF 08:
Link: 22CV005860-memo.pdf
Case: 22-CV005860 (2nd WVRO case)
Title: Re­spon­dent RJK's memorandum of points and authorities in sup­port of motion to strike com­plaint pursuant to code of civil pro­ce­dure S 425.16 (2nd WVRO case).

PDF 09:
Link: 22CV006171-defamation.pdf
Case: 22-CV006171 (defamation case)
Title: Fremont-Toyota and “Hank Torian” de­fa­ma­tion complaint against RJK. This one is odd in that “Hank Torian” was deceased as of the date of filing. A dead man isn't permitted to file this type of action.

PDF 10:
Link: 22CV006171-memo.pdf
Case: 22-CV006171 (defamation case)
Title: Defendant RJK's memorandum of points and authorities in sup­port of motion to strike com­plaint pursuant to code of civil pro­ce­dure S 425.16 (defamation case).

Finally, assorted add­i­tion­al PDFs:

PDF 11:
Link: exhibits-04-pawar-hrletter.pdf
Title: Sam Pawar letter to Fremont-Toyota HR department

PDF 12:
Link: exhibits-11-ghiringhelli.pdf
Title: Brian Martin text messages related to Rachel Ghiringelli call

PDF 13:
Link: exhibits-12-pawar-220608.pdf
Title: Key Sam Pawar email from June 08, 2022

PDF 14:
Link: pawar-2020-08-15.pdf
Title: Sam Pawar EEOC filing August 15, 2020

PDF 15:
Link: sam-pawar-texts.pdf
Title: Sam Pawar text messages 2021 to 2022

PDF 16:
Link: fremont-toyota-inquiry.pdf
Title: PDF version of Brian Martin's story

PDF 17:
Link: gagorder-exhibits.pdf
Case: The two WVRO cases
Title: Exhibits filed by RJK (warning: large)

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