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Sam Pawar Videos

Sam Pawar talks about fraud

This page shows a few videos made by Sam Pawar from 2021 to 2022. The first one might be the only one that is legal­ly significant but we haven't checked the others close­ly yet.

These videos tend to sup­port allegations of per­jury against Chris­tine Long and the claim that Berliner-Cohen tried to force Sam to sign a false state­ment in June 2022.

The latter issue would mean that two demon­stra­ble felonies occur­red in one incident. It wasn't just a tech­ni­cal con­duct violation. For more about the incident in ques­tion, click here.

No gag order is like­ly to block the sending of Sam Pawar's videos and his orig­in­al unedited state­ment (click here) to the State Bar, the District Attorney, the Attorney General (as part of a broader investigation of Berliner-Cohen), or any other government or news media party. Sam's material would have gone nowhere by it­self, but the gag order attempt changes things.

I've never understood what Chris­tine Long and Kamal Sayed Hashimi be­lieve they're going to accom­plish. The story of these cases not being in Google isn't in the cards.

These videos aren't set up yet for streaming. So, if you click on one, it may not start to play for 5 to 15 seconds.

Sam Pawar talks about fraud

In the first video, Sam talks about fraud at Fremont-Toyota. Please allow 5 to 15 seconds for the video to start after you click on it. If the MP4 doesn't play for you, please let me know. Or try the MOV instead but that copy might only work on phones.

Click here for aflong22.mp4

Click here for aflong22.mov

Rest of the videos:

These videos may or may not be of in­ter­est.

Click here for IMG_0816.mp4

Click here for IMG_0818.mp4

Click here for IMG_0819.mp4

Click here for IMG_3014.mp4

Click here for IMG_3015.mp4

Click here for IMG_3016.mp4

Click here for IMG_3017.mp4

Click here for IMG_3018.mp4

Alternate MOV versions:

If the MP4 "IMG_" videos don't play for you, you can try these MOV ver­sions. But I think that this format might work only on phones.

Click here for IMG_0816.mov

Click here for IMG_0818.mov

Click here for IMG_0819.mov

Click here for IMG_3014.mov

Click here for IMG_3015.mov

Click here for IMG_3016.mov

Click here for IMG_3017.mov

Click here for IMG_3018.mov

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