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Christ­mas 2022 threat by Chris­tine Long:

Shortly be­fore Christmas 2022, Chris­tine Long of Berliner-Cohen threatened to allege a vio­la­tion of TRO by this writer. The specific wording was as follows:

On Friday, Decem­ber 23, 2022 at 11:21:17 AM PST, Long, Chris­tine H. <christine.long@berliner.com> wrote:
If the intent is really to part company and for Mr. Kiraly to leave my client alone then he should have no problem with this agree­ment — when you say he hasn't it [sic] done it in a year — he has and he is in vio­la­tion of a court order as we speak so we aren't going to agree to some­thing less. My client has spent considerable time and expense on this matter. Our next step is to bring a motion for vio­la­tion of the court order.

My attorney asked Ms. Long to state the nature of the alleged vio­la­tion. She didn't respond. To read more about the context, visit the settlement page.

It's suspected that Ms. Long was thinking of rep­re­sent­ing old web­site content as a vio­la­tion of TRO. The fol­low­ing point may therefore be rele­vant. Ms. Long made the state­ment below in wri­ting previously on June 21, 2022:

It also looks like Kiraly add­ed the Fremont fraud story to anti­violence­free­speech.com, which he originally used back in 2015 for another legal issue where someone assaulted him. So long as there is no content on there re­la­ted to race, eth­nici­ty or private in­for­ma­tion we have no issue with this.

The content that Ms. Long is referring to, or the part that is still online, pre­sent­ly resides in this web­site. It's pos­si­ble that legal esca­la­tion by Ms. Long which con­tra­dicts the writ­ten statement quoted above might raise issues of a legal or con­duct nature for that attorney.

Chris­tine Long relies on noise and, in some instances, conscious false­hoods, to accom­plish goals that aren't in the best interests of her clients. She's allegedly in­di­ca­ted that set­tle­ment isn't a priority for her be­cause drag­ging things out means “more fees” for the attorneys. Such a per­spec­tive might sug­gest an add­i­tion­al conduct vio­la­tion or it might be evi­dence of bar­ra­try.

Ms. Long does seem to engage in bar­ra­try. This is in add­i­tion to, though re­la­ted to, con­duct issues of an unusually casual nature. She doesn't be­lieve that the State Bar will ever com­ment. However, we all know that it depends on the level of awk­ward­ness involved. Long's con­duct might be seen as awk­ward for her peers.

It would be bet­ter if everybody could sim­ply move on.

Electric Blanket

To clarify the “assaulted” issue for those interested:

On Christ­mas Eve 2013, I became a transient, though I re­tain­ed access to my home of 25 years for a few more weeks. I went to Walmart to buy an elec­tric blanket be­cause there was no heat where I'd be going. I stood in line with the blanket surrounded by last-moment Christ­mas shoppers. It was very cold that night.

I suppose that it was an O.K. Christ­mas.

My father Jim and brother Tom had sued me to get a gag order re­la­ted to Jim beating up my mother Grace. They regretted it. However, I lost my home of 25 years due to a year of lit­i­ga­tion. Oh, well. One can't have every­thing.

Freenode peo­ple from the early 2010s might re­mem­ber Strategist aka Tactician or Derek Neely. He was a Fundie of unusual passion. Derek, did you commit suicide? Did you mean in your goodbye that you were headed to prison? Please come back to life. If you do, I'll answer your ques­tion. I'm sorry that I didn't.

I'm sorry that I never said things to quite a few peo­ple. My uncle Anatol, Twisted Time, Peggy, Strategist, others. Those who are gone can't hear you. I advise those who take others for granted to reflect on this point.

Strategist cared that some­thing had hap­pen­ed to me. I cared, myself, about what hap­pen­ed to others whether or not I was good at showing it. This is unusual for normals. Normals prefer to pre­tend. To pre­tend just enough that they can look in the mirror and see a hero standing there.

Strategist asked his God to help me. His God de­cid­ed to send me to live wih transients.

It was in­ter­est­ing. One transient was a drug addict who liked to bang on doors at 6:00am using metal cookware.

Another transient was a wino who I took to the E.R. one night be­cause his blood alcohol went up and didn't come down.

Staircase in Heaven

There was a very odd artist. The artist be­lieved he'd been caught up in a whirlwind decades be­fore, had spoken with God and Lucifer, and had phy­si­cal­ly visited Heaven. He described Heaven as a place of endless learning.

And there was some­body who used to work with Gary Bogue. That im­pres­sed me be­cause I remembered Gary Bogue from decades be­fore.

Domestic violence movie

The last transient beat me up one day. I suspect that he'd beaten up his wife be­fore this and this was why he was a transient.

I called the police. The others said, “He fell”. It was odd to feel as though I was a 1960s house­wife in a cheap Life­time movie.

The police didn't do any­thing but take photos of my bruises. The per­son who'd made the bruises sued me be­cause I'd called the police and had post­ed online about these events.

The lit­i­ga­tion went poorly for that per­son. I was told later that he regretted his decisions. He died unexpectedly of natural causes. Regret or pride were no longer issues.

The wino de­cid­ed that he could “handle” more wine despite damage to his liver and is be­lieved to be dead as well.

I'd thought that the artist, Charles Artisan, was dead too.

Older transients tend not to last for more than a few years and this one was a decade older than me. He ended up in the hos­pi­tal and it sounded as though he had a terminal cond­i­tion. However, we crossed paths in a parking lot at 3:00am one night years later. He talked and seemed to be himself but perhaps there is more than one type of ghost.

One of the Charles's paintings is pasted be­low. It reminds me of a Galaxy Mag­a­zine cover from the 1950s.

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