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Mark Hashimi divorce papers:

To read the Mark Hashimi divorce papers, use the link be­low. The papers confirm that I had a rea­son to be­lieve Mark Hashimi and Katheryn Campos were divorced and therefore a rea­son to be­lieve Campos would be interested in com­mun­i­ca­tion.

Click here for Hashimi-Campos divorce papers

More importantly, in the context of a pending defamation trial, I be­lieve that Ms. Campos cited a fear that Kamal Sayed Hashimi aka Mark Hashimi was going to steal her money as one of her primary concerns.

In short, I've been sued in part for com­ment­ing on actual mass fraud that Mark Hashimi is be­lieved to have in­volved in — when Hashimi's own wife booted him out be­cause, she said, he was going to take her money and run away with it to Afghanistan.

The fact that Hashimi and Campos reached some sort of deal subsequently doesn't significantly affect the point.

Rachel Ghiringhelli's al­le­ga­tions against Mark Hashimi:

In a very odd move, in two of the Fremont-Toyota fraud re­la­ted hearings Christine Long went after my most obscure exhibit with attacks that were difficult to fol­low. She seemed to be alleging that the exhibit had been faked but it wasn't clear.

Long's focus on such a minor exhibit has led me to reassess its importance. Here is a screen­shot version, one that can be proved to be genuine:

Your phone or window is too narrow for the image. If it's a phone, try rotating the phone or switching to a PC. Or click here to go to a copy that may be zoomable.
 Text exchange with B. Martin
Text exchange with B. Martin

Brian Martin didn't even say who “she” is here. And “she” and Brian didn't want to talk publicly about why, exactly, Brian felt that he'd be “f*cked” if he talked about the conversation.

So, this exhibit probably couldn't have been used despite its potential significance.

However, Christine Long decided to make an issue of these text messages. So, as this was Ms. Long's decision, the “she” in the messages, according to Brian Martin, was Rachel Ghiringhelli, an ex-employee of Fremont-Toyota. I've ex­plain­ed elsewhere what Brian said that Rachel's call to him was about.

I didn't be­lieve Rachel G.'s al­le­ga­tions against “Mark” Hashimi for 1.5 years. I'm not sure that I be­lieve any of it now. But Mark's and Christine's focus on this exhibit is a sign that the dis­cus­sion between Rachel and Brian was sig­ni­fi­cant. It isn't pos­si­ble to sim­ply wave away what is said in the screen­shot.

Mark Hashimi and Brian Martin email

This page holds primarily email between Mark Hashimi aka Kamal Sayed Hashimi and P.I. Brian Martin. We've retained part of the 2021 version that discusses our attempts to identify Mark.

To read Court filings with more re­la­ted to Mark Hashimi, use the fol­low­ing links:


21CV004608 Memorandum

We'd like to call your attention to Mark Hashimi's June 29, 2021 let­ter further down. Mark sounds exact­ly like a 6-year-old caught with his hands in the cookie jar, doesn't he?

Hashimi identification issue

When we start­ed these sites, we need­ed to fig­ure out who Mark Hashimi actu­al­ly was. Because, as it hap­pen­ed, his real name wasn't “Mark”.

Mark's cell-phone num­ber [redacted] [stated by Mark himself in email below] was asso­ci­a­ted with a man named Kamal Sayed Hashimi. This didn't prove much by it­self but Kamal Sayed Hashimi had the fol­low­ing email address:


We had a match. The match was con­firm­ed later by Fremont-Toya ex-employee Sam Pawar, who con­firm­ed that Kamal Sayed used that name at work. “Mark” was just a fake name, Sam indicated, used with white peo­ple who might be prejudiced against Muslims.

DOB was July 1972. Kamal Sayed is getting old but so are the rest of us.

Broken heart

Past research here into marital status for identification and lit­i­ga­tion purposes has been superseded by the Court filing at this link.

Editor's notes:

(a) The photo of Mark Hashimi is used under Fair Use re­la­ted to pro­se­cu­ta­ble crimes that Mr. Hashimi is be­lieved to have com­mit­ted and/or be in­volved with. DMCA-re­la­ted notes and con­tact infor­ma­tion will be add­ed to the Notices page.

See also the note re­la­ted to perjury at the start of this page.

(b) This is be­lieved to be a fairly accurate tran­scrip­tion. How­ever, the editor has assembled the thread manual­ly from copies in dif­fer­ent formats. So, there may be errors and omis­sions.

(c) Brian usually signs his emails with a stand­ard tem­plate. To reduce use of ver­tical space, we've omit­ted part of the tem­plate here.

June 09, 2021: Martin to Hashimi

For the latest version of the PDF that was sent to Hashimi on June 09, 2021, click here. Note: This isn't the orig­inal PDF.

Brian Martin Antioch, CA P.I. for hire

Date: Wednesday, June 09, 2021 8:41am PT
From: Brian Martin <brian@nolongervalid>
To: Mark Hashimi <markhashimi@fremonttoyota.com>
Subject: Fremont Toyota loan legal issue

I am a Fremont Toyota cus­tom­er with a legal issue that prob­ab­ly needs to be look­ed at. Please view attach­ed PDF. Link redacted pending review.

Thank you,
Brian Martin
Martin & Associates Investigations

Mark Hashimi Fremont-Toyota loan fraud

June 11, 2021: Hashimi to Martin

Date: Friday, June 11, 2021, 04:37pm PT
From: Mark Hashimi <markhashimi@fremonttoyota.com>
To: Brian Martin <brian@nolongervalid>
Subject: RE: Fremont Toyota loan legal issue

HI Mr. Martin, I have re­ceived your email and I will speak to the agents in­volved in your trans­ac­tion and do more research and reach back to you. Please email me your docu­ments that you sign­ed with Hugo , con­tract and any other forms you sign­ed.

Thank you
Mark Hashimi

June 12, 2021: Martin to Hashimi

The let­ter below is be­lieved to have been sent to Mark Hashimi on June 12, 2021, but this is uncon­firm­ed.

Brian Martin Antioch, CA P.I. for hire

Date: Saturday, June 12, 2021, uncon­firm­ed
From: Brian Martin <brian@nolongervalid>
To: Mark Hashimi <markhashimi@fremonttoyota.com>
Subject: RE: Fremont Toyota loan legal issue

Mr. Hashimi, good day. Please allow a few days for prep­ar­ation of a re­sponse. Note, also, that it isn't pos­si­ble to pro­vide the orig­inal papers be­cause Hugo Alcan­tar physi­cal­ly took some of them out of my hands and stole them. While you're wait­ing, by the way, would you ask Hugo what the forged stick­er that he email­ed me is even sup­posed to be? To see a copy, read the previous PDF. It's not a "he said-she said" issue; Fremont-Toyota is going to need to explain what that is. And why Hugo sent me that instead of the dis­claim­er that I sign­ed.

Thank you,
Brian Martin
Martin & Associates Investigations

June 17, 2021: Martin to Hashimi

The 21-page PDF refer­red to in the June 17, 2021 let­ter below isn't in­clud­ed here as it con­tains personal busi­ness in­for­ma­tion re­la­ted to Mr. Martin. Subject to Mr. Martin's approval, the PDF may be made avail­able to rep­re­sent­a­tives of Fremont-Toyota, Toyota Nation­al, the lend­er, and/or law enforce­ment in the con­text of pro­se­cu­tion of par­ties at Fremont-Toyota.

Brian Martin Antioch, CA P.I. for hire

Date: Thursday, June 17, 2021, 2:28pm PT
From: Brian Martin <brian@nolongervalid>
To: Mark Hashimi <markhashimi@fremonttoyota.com>
Subject: Fraud inquiry

This PDF file con­tains scans of 20 pages of paper­work re­la­ted to the Fremont-Toyota trans­ac­tion under dis­cus­sion, plus this cover page, for a total of 21 pages. These are not scans of the orig­inal pages be­cause Hugo Alcan­tar of Fremont-Toyota physical­ly took orig­inal pages out of my hands on Decem­ber 29, 2021 and stole them. In fact, the copies that were scan­ned to produce this PDF appear to be color photo­copies that have been alter­ed by Mr. Alcan­tar or other par­ties at Fremont-Toyota for the pur­poses of fraud. They are not orig­inals with my orig­inal sig­na­ture or sig­na­tures. Only Mr. Alcan­tar and/or his associ­ates know where the orig­inals are.

For add­i­tion­al information re­la­ted to the trans­ac­tion and the fraud in ques­tion, see the detailed PDF that was pro­vided previously and/or the latest version of the PDF which may be found online on the fol­low­ing web­site:

Home page

Brian Martin
Martin & Associates Investigations

Brian Martin Antioch, CA P.I. for hire

June 21, 2021: Martin to Hashimi

Date: Monday, June 21, 2021 5:17pm PT
From: Brian Martin <brian@nolongervalid>
To: Mark Hashimi <markhashimi@fremonttoyota.com>
Subject: Fraud Inquiry

Hello Mr Hashimi,

I hope this finds you well. I would like to con­firm that you re­ceived the Email and PDF that was sent on 6/17/2021.

Thank you,
Brian Martin
Martin & Associates Investigations

Mark Hashimi Fremont-Toyota loan fraud

June 22, 2021: Hashimi to Martin

Date: Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 11:05am PT
From: Mark Hashimi <markhashimi@fremonttoyota.com>
To: Brian Martin <brian@nolongervalid>
Subject: RE: Fraud Inquiry

Hello Brian, I did get an email but I did not under­stand the email, if you like to speak to me on the phone please call me on my cell [redacted], I did pull your file and the sig­na­tures are the same on the con­tract and the last one you came and sign­ed. Please let me know if you would like to talk, we value your busi­ness Mr. Martin!!!

Mark Hashimi

Brian Martin Antioch, CA P.I. for hire

June 28, 2021: Martin to Hashimi

Date: Monday, June 28, 2021 6:20pm PT
From: Brian Martin <brian@nolongervalid>
To: Mark Hashimi <markhashimi@fremonttoyota.com>
Subject: Loan Fraud

Mr. Hashimi, it's a pleasure to hear from you.

01. If you didn't under­stand the email, that isn't a problem.

Your cus­tom­ers, Toyota Nation­al, personal and business associ­ates of yours, and parties of other types will under­stand the copy on the web­site per­fect­ly well. We imag­ine that they'll be able to explain it to you in sim­ple terms.

02. It's going to be ranked pretty high in Google, Mark. We're already on the first page for the fol­low­ing search. Go head, type the fol­low­ing 4 words into Google:

fremont-toyota loan fraud

Editor's note: For this to work, you need to tell Google, when it asks, that the word “fraud” needs to be in­clud­ed. If you do that, these sites are at #1 in Google already as of July 2021.

03. This said, are you able to point to the words in the follow­ing para­graph that you're not able to under­stand?

"These are not scans of the orig­inal pages be­cause Hugo Alcan­tar of Fremont-Toyota physi­cal­ly took orig­inal pages out of my hands on Decem­ber 29, 2021 and stole them. In fact, the copies that were scan­ned to produce this PDF appear to be color photo­copies that have been altered by Mr. Alcan­tar or other par­ties at Fremont-Toyota for the pur­poses of fraud. They are not orig­inals with my orig­inal sig­na­ture or sig­na­tures. Only Mr. Alcan­tar and/or his associ­ates know where the orig­inals are."

If this is too difficult for some­body who pre­sum­a­bly has at least a 6th Grade edu­ca­tion to under­stand, we regret this.


04. We have text messages which prove that the post-sale meet­ing with Hugo took place. We also have the email that Hugo was fool­ish enough to send that evening. In fact, all of this is on the web­site.

What was the docu­ment that Hugo email­ed even sup­posed to be, Mr. Hashimi? How will you explain it to Toyota Nation­al or in other venues?

Well, Duh

05. Yes, the sig­na­tures match. The point isn't entirely clear. The pages in ques­tion are photo­copies of the orig­inals, so of course the sig­na­tures match.

You're invited to re­view the orig­inals. This would be a sim­ple mat­ter as they're in your pos­ses­sion.

Recorded phone calls

06. You sug­gest­ed a phone call. Thank you, perhaps at a later date. For the time being, let's keep things in wri­ting.

Phone calls aren't ruled out. However, please be advised that any phone calls between par­ties on this side and Fremont-Toyota may be record­ed and tran­scrib­ed.

07. On a re­la­ted note:


Communications between any parties -- including but not lim­it­ed to tran­scrip­tions of phone calls -- or statements, events, actions, or facts dis­cover­ed that are be­lieved to be rela­ted to Fremont-Toyota and/or parties associ­ated direct­ly or indirect­ly with the cur­rent matter may be quoted, analyzed, post­ed, blogged, email­ed, snail-mailed, or dis­tributed or made use of as is deemed appro­pri­ate.

08. We reserve the right to make use of Fremont-Toyota and/or Toyota intel­lectual property, as things pro­ceed, under Fair Use and/or Nom­ina­tive Use.

09. If you're not able to under­stand the paragraph quoted in part 03 above, the next step is logical­ly for us to com­muni­cate with such other parties at Fremont-Toyota, Toyota Nation­al, and in var­ious cities in Cali­fornia and else­where who may be able to under­stand the par­a­graph and explain it to you.

Thank you for your time.

Brian Martin
Martin & Associates Investigations

Guilty boy

June 29, 2021: Hashimi to Martin

Editor's note: Mark Hashimi's re­sponse below to Brian Martin's inquiry doesn't help Fremont-Toyota's case much. It reads like a 6-year-old caught with his hand in the cookie jar, right down to the child­ish tone and poor gram­mar and spel­ling. We're not im­pres­sed.

Mark Hashimi Fremont-Toyota loan fraud

Date: Tuesday, June 29, 2021 12:17pm PT
From: Mark Hashimi <markhashimi@fremonttoyota.com>
To: Brian Martin <brian@nolongervalid>
Subject: RE: Loan Fraud

Hi Brian, If you are accusing Fremont Toyota for Fraud, you need to proof it, I will have get in touch with my Attorney and I have your file in front of my with your sig­na­tures, I will take action about this!! you can go and post what­ever you want. Once you get my attorneys let­ter I'm sure you will under­stand that Fremont Toyota did not do any fraud!!!

Editor's note: We'd like to thank Mark Hashimi for the per­mis­sion to post “what­ever you want”. We'll be pleased to cite this state­ment in the future.

Thank you and please don't email me unless your attorney sends me a let­ter or email.

Mark Hashimi

Brian Martin Antioch, CA P.I. for hire

July 02, 2021: Martin to Hashimi

Date: Friday, July 02, 2021 05:34pm PT
From: Brian Martin <brian@nolongervalid>
To: Mark Hashimi <markhashimi@fremonttoyota.com>
Subject: Loan Fraud

Mark, thanks for wri­ting.

Well, Duh

1. Um, yes, Hugo Alcan­tar physically stealing the papers and creating forged copies would be loan fraud. Most peo­ple would see this as obvious. You said be­fore that you didn't under­stand. If you have a rudi­men­tary grasp of events after all, that's posi­tive.

2. Regarding “proof it”, you meant to spell that “prove it”. One part of the proof is Hugo's email to me. Once again, Mark, what was the attach­ment even sup­posed to be?

I might add that you can read Hugo's acknow­ledgment of the email online on fremont toyota dot org.

To use a tech­ni­cal term, your decision to sup­port the possi­bly pro­se­cu­ta­ble crimes that Hugo has com­mit­ted means, legal­ly, that you're “hosed”.

Google “RICO law” and “conspiracy charges”. Are you able to fol­low that this may be a crim­inal matter involv­ing 20 years in prison and not sim­ply a civil mat­ter?


3. You didn't read my let­ter closely. I have the option of com­muni­ca­ting with third parties, including associ­ates of yours who may not be delight­ed about the pos­si­bili­ty of facing crim­inal charges on your behalf. I'll pro­ceed to do so.

Threats which characterize communications with you or with others as “harass­ment” will be treat­ed as threats to com­mit abuse of pro­cess. Abuse of pro­cess is potential­ly a pro­se­cu­ta­ble crime as well as a tort. So is con­spiracy to com­mit per­jury.

Mark, a threat to commit a crime can be treated as a crime. How deep a legal hole would you like to dig for your­self?


4. Regarding “posting”: Our correspondence will be distri­buted direct­ly to third parties as well as post­ed online. So will other events, facts, or in­for­ma­tion that may be come to light. De­mands for con­fi­den­tial­ity are not valid and will not be honor­ed.

By the way, settlement most like­ly will not include NDA, con­fiden­tiali­ty clauses, anti-dis­par­age­ment clauses, or the like. It'll all be in Google for the long term. So, it'll work out best for you if you don't dig that hole too deep.

Thank you,
Brian Martin
Martin & Associates Investigations

July 02, 2021: Martin to Hashimi

Editor's note: The 21-page PDF refer­red to in the July 02, 2021 let­ter be­low isn't in­clud­ed here as it con­tains person­al busi­ness in­for­ma­tion re­la­ted to Mr. Martin. Subject to Mr. Martin's approval, the PDF may be made avail­able to rep­re­sent­a­tives of Fremont-Toyota, Toyota Nation­al, the lender, and/or law enforce­ment in the con­text of pro­se­cu­tion of par­ties at Fremont-Toyota.

Brian Martin Antioch, CA P.I. for hire

Date: Friday, July 02, 2021 05:25pm PT
From: Brian Martin <brian@nolongervalid>
To: Mark Hashimi <markhashimi@fremonttoyota.com>
Subject: PDF of loan papers

Mr. Hashimi, good day. You con­firm­ed receipt of an email sent on June 17 but not receipt of the PDF with my loan papers that you had re­quest­ed. So, I'm resend­ing the papers.

Please confirm receipt of the attached file or it may be neces­sary to have a hard­copy deliver­ed to you at your resi­dence or other loca­tions and to take steps to docu­ment the delivery.

The attached PDF con­tains scans of 20 pages of paper­work re­la­ted to the Fremont-Toyota tran­sac­tion under dis­cus­sion, plus a cover page, for a total of 21 pages. These are not scans of the orig­inal pages be­cause Hugo Alcan­tar of Fremont-Toyota physi­cal­ly took origin­al pages out of my hands on Decem­ber 29, 2021 and stole them. In fact, the copies that were scan­ned to pro­duce the PDF appear to be color photo­copies that have been alter­ed by Mr. Alcan­tar or other par­ties at Fremont-Toyota for the pur­poses of fraud. They are not origin­als with my orig­inal sig­na­ture or sig­na­tures. Only Mr. Alcan­tar and/or his asso­ci­ates know where the origin­als are.

Thank you,
Brian Martin
Martin & Associates Investigations

July 06, 2021: Hashimi to Martin

Editor's note: On the morning of July 06, 2021, I noticed that a law firm named Berliner-Cohen was review­ing the sites. There wasn't much doubt that it was them be­cause the firm owned the net­work.

I wrote to two of the leads and com­ment­ed polite­ly. About 2 hours later, Mark sent the let­ter below to Brian. It ap­pears that the law firm may have told Mark to truck off.

Mark Hashimi Fremont-Toyota loan fraud

Date: Tuesday, July 06, 2021, 01:56pm PT
From: Mark Hashimi <markhashimi@fremonttoyota.com>
To: Brian Martin <brian@nolongervalid>
Subject: RE: Loan Fraud

Hi Brian,

As you know we have been going back in forth and now my attor­neys are in­volved, at the end of the day you are my cus­to­mer and I want to make sure you are hap­py with your pur­chase!! What is it that I can do to help and move for­ward? Please advise, I want to keep your busi­ness with our com­pany moving for­ward, so please let me know what I need to do to help resolve any issue.


July 06, 2021: Martin to Hashimi

Editor's note: LOL.

Brian Martin Antioch, CA P.I. for hire

Date: Tuesday, July 06, 2021 06:47pm PT
From: Brian Martin <brian@nolongervalid>
To: Mark Hashimi <markhashimi@fremonttoyota.com>
Subject: Loan Fraud Resolution

Mark, thanks for wri­ting.

One suggested correction: You said, “my attorneys are involved”. How­ever, they expres­sed a lack of enthu­si­asm or they'd have in­struct­ed you not to write fur­ther, cor­rect? So, you might be with­out your first choice for rep­re­senta­tion and most firms other than the bot­tom of the barrel bar­ra­try types will be dub­ious as well. BTW Was the firm in ques­tion Berliner-Cohen?

You asked me to com­ment on a possi­ble reso­lu­tion. I'll do so in the short term but prob­ab­ly not this week.

Thank you,
Brian Martin
Martin & Associates Investigations

Mark Hashimi Fremont-Toyota loan fraud

July 08, 2021: Hashimi to Martin

Date: Thursday, July 08, 2021, 03:04pm PT
From: Mark Hashimi <markhashimi@fremonttoyota.com>
To: Brian Martin <brian@nolongervalid>
Subject: RE: Loan Fraud Resolution

Hi Brian, ok let me know what we can do to resolve any issues.


Brian Martin Antioch, CA P.I. for hire

July 14, 2021: Martin to Hashimi

Date: Wednesday, July 14, 2021 11:10am PT
From: Brian Martin <brian@nolongervalid>
To: Mark Hashimi <markhashimi@fremonttoyota.com>
Subject: Loan Fraud

Mark, good day.

1. As a first step, the loan par­am­e­ters under dis­cus­sion need to be cor­rect­ed. Addi­tion­al­ly, all costs incur­red on this side need to be addressed.

2. I'll com­ment briefly here on the impact of the actions of Fremont-Toyota on this side. This is for the bene­fit of others who may read this let­ter. It's not realis­tic to assume that you per­sonal­ly will react with more than a shrug.

I have two businesses. I'm a private inves­ti­ga­tor and I also have a com­pany that designs and installs video sur­veil­lance sys­tems. Both busi­nesses were impact­ed by the pan­demic.

My wife lost her job at the beginning of the pan­demic and it never came back. She was self-employed and col­lect­ed no unem­ploy­ment bene­fits. I'm self-employed as well and col­lect­ed no unem­ploy­ment bene­fits either.

So, money was tight. Then we need­ed to replace our old Toyota Tacoma. This was as we approach­ed Christmas 2020 when work and funds were even more limit­ed than usual.

To save money for a down pay­ment, I work­ed a third job at night for Reel Sound and Com­mun­i­ca­tions. It was dif­fi­cult to work both days and nights and not be able to see my family.

We bought a new truck from Fremont-Toyota in good faith. But your peo­ple -- at least two peo­ple and most like­ly four of you count­ing you per­son­al­ly -- stole thou­sands of dol­lars from me and my family. It ap­pears that you may have done this to others be­fore.

It isn't just a civil tort. It's a pro­se­cu­ta­ble crime, “Mark”. Or Kamal Sayed. If it quali­fies as a RICO case, you might be look­ing at 20 years in prison. Even if RICO doesn't apply, prison is a pos­si­bi­li­ty.

3. The loan amount needs to be corrected. The amount that we agreed to is $28,995.00.

4. I paid taxes re­la­ted to the extra $6,000.00 and have paid and am con­tinu­ing to pay extra inter­est on that amount. Add both issues to the list that Fremont-Toyota is going to address.

5. Let's not overlook auto reg­is­tra­tion. I'm stuck paying regi­stra­tion fees for a truck that cost 33,991.00 as opposed to the 28,995.00 that it was sup­posed to cost. How much is the extra in regi­stra­tion fees going to total over the life­time of the truck?

I owned my last Toyota Tacoma for 21 years. I expect to receive at least 15 years worth of the dif­fer­ence.

6. Fremont-Toyota ignored initial inquiries on this matter.

This isn't surprising as it's a prose­cu­ta­ble crime that man­age­ment is in­volved in. However, the time and effort need­ed to get to the cur­rent point will need to be addressed in dol­lar terms. The time and effort have been sig­ni­fi­cant.

7. No compensation that we receive in con­nec­tion with the pro­se­cu­ta­ble crime that Fremont-Toyota has com­mit­ted is going to be posi­tion­ed in any way, shape, or form as tax­able income. Nor will any dodgy or grey-area arrange­ment be accept­able.

As part of this point, a tax per­son and/or an attor­ney may be asked to vet any arrange­ment. You'll cover the costs of such ad­vice.

8. These are the initial points that you need to get start­ed on. It isn't a comp­lete state­ment and noth­ing is waived by omis­sion.

9. Closing note:

“Mark”, I'm not under rep­re­sen­ta­tion yet nor have I filed a police re­port yet. This said, it's ad­vised that you and the oth­ers in­volved con­sid­er the mat­ter care­ful­ly be­fore you test the waters again to see what type of games you might be able to get away with.

Thank you,
Brian Martin
Martin & Associates Investigations

Mark Hashimi Fremont-Toyota loan fraud

July 20, 2021: Hashimi to Martin

Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 02:07pm PT
From: Mark Hashimi <markhashimi@fremonttoyota.com>
To: Brian Martin <brian@nolongervalid>
Subject: RE: Loan Fraud

Hi Brian, after reading your email a few times, do you want Fremont Toyota to adjust your selling price from what you originally paid to $ 28,995 plus fee's ? please advise


July 25, 2021: Martin to Hashimi

Brian Martin Antioch, CA P.I. for hire

Date: Sunday, July 25, 2021 02:36pm PT
From: Brian Martin <brian@nolongervalid>
To: Mark Hashimi <markhashimi@fremonttoyota.com>
Subject: Loan Fraud

Hi Mark,
I have attached a PDF in re­sponse to your latest Email. Please confirm receipt. Link redacted pending review.

Thank you,
Brian Martin
Martin & Associates Investigations

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